21st September 2022

Let’s Talk: The Skills And Habits Of Highly Effective Entrepreneurs

Let’s Talk: The Skills And Habits Of Highly Effective Entrepreneurs

These skills and habits may come more naturally to some, but are definitely worked on and developed by many. Find out which ones are important to Co-Founder Brodie Haupt.

Having the skill to effectively communicate the company’s values with staff, customers, and stakeholders is an essential part of an entrepreneurial mindset. Maintaining a clear focus while running my business involves constantly communicating with my team, this is to ensure trust and transparency in our interactions so that everyone is on the same page. As a company that puts purpose and sustainability at its core, we have ocean sustainability front of mind and a driving factor in our business. This will build loyalty and retention among employees and customers.

Being innovative will give entrepreneurs an edge to compete. Understanding the market or industry, and introducing a new product to reinvent can bring a competitive advantage, and result in the success of a business. Innovation requires imagination and being the leader in agents of change.

Full Article: Dynamic Business