
Impact Lending: By The Numbers

Impact Lending: By The Numbers

Impact lending is rapidly gaining traction across the world, demonstrating that consumers and investors alike are increasingly looking for financial products that deliver both returns and social benefits.

Global Growth in Impact Investin

– In 2023, impact investments in the USA surged to approximately US$1 trillion, marking a 25% increase over the previous year.
– Similarly, in Australia, impact investing reached about AUD 30 billion in 2023, showing a 30% year-over-year increase.

What is Impact Lending?

Impact lending refers to a mortgage lender that commits a significant percentage of its profits towards philanthropic, social causes. At WLTH, we have adopted this approach since the inception of the company. As Australia’s first accredited Impact Lender, purpose is in our DNA, as we pledge to clean up 50m² of beach and coastline for every loan settled. 

It’s important to dispel the myth that impact lending costs the customer more—this is simply not true. In fact, many impact lenders provide competitive rates and top-tier service while making a tangible difference in their communities.

WLTH: Australia’s First Accredited Impact Lender

“Impact is what we do, lending is how we do it.”

The plastic waste problem continues to escalate, with over 350 million tonnes of plastic produced each year, a quarter of which is mismanaged or littered. An estimated 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic are floating in our oceans today, and this number is growing as plastics break down into microplastics. Alarmingly, Australians ingest the equivalent of a credit card’s worth of plastic each week through contaminated food and water.

WLTH is committed to addressing this environmental crisis without sacrificing the quality of service to its customers. Offering competitive rates and personalised service in a branchless model, WLTH focuses on doing good through its lending practices.

The Parley Recycled Ocean Plastic Visa. One of WLTH’s innovative solutions to combat plastic pollution is the Parley Recycled Ocean Plastic Visa card. The card is made of:

  • 75% Upcycled Ocean Plastic® recovered from oceans or collected from coastlines.
  • 5% Recycled plastics.
  • 20% Essential components like the microchip, antenna, magnetic strip, and signature panel.
  • Zero virgin plastic is used in the production of the card.

Impact Lending: Making a Real Difference

The impact of WLTH’s efforts is clear. As of September 11, 2024, WLTH has contributed to cleaning over 414,000m² of Australian beaches and coastlines of plastic pollution. Impact lending doesn’t just talk about doing good—it delivers measurable, tangible outcomes for both communities and the planet.

By choosing an impact lender like WLTH, customers can access high-quality financial products while supporting meaningful environmental and social initiatives.