Describe your current aggregation structure including Master and Sub aggregation if applicable.
Name as per photo identification
Broker - CRN or ACL Holder *
Do you have a minimum of 2 years credit/lending experience? *
The following information is required specifically for identity authentication purposes (i.e. To confirm caller identity prior to releasing confidential information) You must take reasonable measures to keep the nominated identifier confidential.
Have you ever:
Declared Bankruptcy, been declared Bankrupt, or been subject to control under the Bankruptcy Act 1966? *
Been found guilty of, or been charged with any crime or offence (other than a minor crime such as a traffic offence) which has not been withdrawn or dismissed? *
Had an application for grant or renewal of any financial services licence or registration, authorisation to act as a credit representative or membership of an industry or professional association refused or revoked? *
Been banned from holding a company directorship? *
Been known by or had any other name? *
I acknowledge that:
By submitting this statement you agree to the terms and conditions, the WLTH privacy, and disclosure statement.