Marco Zande
“After a long 2020 and an even longer 2021, many Aussies are now searching for new opportunities to build their careers. Whether you’re currently looking to hire or retain staff, here are a few steps to become an employer of choice.
“Dissatisfaction arises when your expectations differ from your experiences that can harm your work satisfaction. Take it easy! Setting the bar too high can harm your productivity and mindset.
“One of the hallmarks of pessimism is the worry for the future. Using mindfulness can help you maintain stress levels and know every working moment is an investment into the future.
“Celebrate the strengths of those around you and reap the benefits of positive work culture. Logically, gratitude is associated with optimism. Practising gratitude at work improves your psychological health leading to a great capacity to be productive and strengthening your relationship with peers.
“Focusing on the longer-term goals when faced with challenges can help lift yourself and those around you, especially important during COVID-19. The complexities of managing clients, deadlines, workflows and coworkers may seem significant today, but as time passes, so too does the anguish.”
Full Article – Dynamic Business