“Without question, building your own personal brand helps your business. This is true, especially in the finance industry where a business can grow rapidly through word of mouth and referrals.
“The business entity is often seen as an extension of the business owners. If you’re a genuine, trustworthy individual who displays the proper expertise in the field, then you’re likely to attract more customers. It runs with a bias that we all inherently have. Of course, how you conduct yourself as a person doesn’t automatically translate to your business, but with so many options in the market, it is one big factor discerning customers may take a look at.
“Your personal brand also comes into play when dealing with other companies. Strategic partnerships, contracts, and business deals are all made with your reputation in mind. These can all take your business to a whole new level. So jump on LinkedIn, get to networking, help a cause you truly care about, cause you’re doing yourself, your business and perhaps even the community a favour.”
Full Article: Dynamic Business